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К сожалению вы гость. Мы предлагаем вам зарегистрироваться тогда вы сможете увидеть весь форум, с выбором множества тем, системами прогрессивных наград и иерархическим ростом по мере общения и нахождения на форуме. Так же сможете скачать нужные вам шахматные движки и программы. Так что милости просим, регистрация простая, без подтверждения почты, но почту советуем указывать свою т.к. если забудете пароль, то восстановить доступ вам будет проблематично. Остались вопросы? Вам разрешено писать в этой теме. Только без флуда пожалуйста!
Unfortunately you are a guest. We suggest you register then you will be able to see the entire forum, with a choice of many topics, progressive reward systems and hierarchical growth as you communicate and stay on the forum. You can also download the chess engines and programs you need. So you are welcome, registration is simple, without email confirmation, but we advise you to indicate your email because If you forget your password, it will be difficult for you to regain access. Still have questions? You are allowed to post in this thread. Just no flood please!
Unfortunately you are a guest. We suggest you register then you will be able to see the entire forum, with a choice of many topics, progressive reward systems and hierarchical growth as you communicate and stay on the forum. You can also download the chess engines and programs you need. So you are welcome, registration is simple, without email confirmation, but we advise you to indicate your email because If you forget your password, it will be difficult for you to regain access. Still have questions? You are allowed to post in this thread. Just no flood please!